The Filias family lived in Athens, but they had their roots in the Peloponnese. Thus, Ioannis Filias came from the picturesque village of Plataniotissa Achaïas (Πλατανιώτισσα Αχαΐας), formerly called Klapatsouna (Κλαπατσούνα), only 16 km from the small town of Kalavryta (Καλάβρυτα). His father, Vasilis Filias, was a priest and a farmer. His church – το εκκλησάκι της Παναγίας της Πλατανιώτισσας – was located inside a huge plane tree.
The village of Plataniotissa, its inhabitants and cultural attractions will be presented here in more detail in the future.
Furthermore, it is our intention to pick out some objects from the possession of the Filias family as examples and to depict them here. They each have their respective exciting history and narrative which will be dealt with in more detail.
The intention is also to present the eventful life story of some family members who have been particularly active culturally and politically.
After the pandemic is over, the exchange and discussion with our friends and other interested persons should be promoted by lectures, concerts, exhibitions and joint meals.
We very much hope that this will be possible in 2024!

The House:
Article in the magazine «ΙΔΑΝΙΚΟ ΣΠΙΤΙ» from 1996, No. 6 | PDF: 2 MB
Video 20MB:
Meeting with relatives and friends in the courtyard of Fanarioton 27
Video 16MB:
Farewell at the entrance gate of Fanarioton 27 in the 1960s
Vassilis Filias, Sociologist, 1927 – 2018